In 2017, the Wood County Master Gardener Volunteers are very excited to begin their sixth season at Historic Point Basse.

Thanks to the financial support of the Wood County Master Gardeners and the physical and financial support of Point Basse Association, we will be developing a “kitchen garden”. The circle flower garden by the house will be transformed into a house herb garden, home to the existing herbs in the current vegetable garden, plus more. We are looking to add peppermint this year.

The quilt block garden will have a tulip motif this year in addition to a large red “20” signifying our 20th anniversary for the Master Gardener Volunteers!
Look for another traveling “20” that will appear in different places on site over the summer.

The bee and butterfly garden will be augmented with the flowers from the circle garden by the house. The certified monarch station (new last year) will be planted and staked well this year to prevent a re-occurrence of last year damage from wind.

Finally the historic vegetable garden will have the usual vegetables, plus potatoes this year. We are excited to try broom corn (sorghum) this year to see if we can make some brooms. The produce is used on site for the cooking class and the excess goes to the South Wood County Food Pantry. The volunteers not only plan and maintain gardens but also teach about gardening at every opportunity.

In 2017 we will once again participate in the school children’s visit where we invite them to taste and feel the plants, harvest some of the root vegetables and learn about the consequences of polluting our environment.

A view of the Quilt Garden from a previous year.

This a view of one of the flower gardens
As you walk up the ramp to the Columbia school House.

A view of the vegetable gardens throughout the year.

A little later in the year in the vegetable garden.

Things are looking really good in the garden later.

Come out and enjoy the gardens any time throughout the year.