Disclaimer: You will be working with fire, hot metal and there will be sparks and heat. If the fire danger in High Fire Danger (Orange) the class will be postponed for safety reasons.
- If under 18 (written/signed parent permission is required)
- Must wear: These items are for you own safety
- Denim pants, jeans or bib overalls
- Long sleeve light weight cotton work shirt
- Leather shoes or boots
- Cloth hat (a baseball cap will work)
- Leather gloves
- Eye protective glasses with side shields, will be provided
- Welding Apron if you have one. Should cover your torso to your knees, will be provided
- Bring water to drink, snack or lunch if you need to.
- Maximum of 3 students in the class.
- What you will learn:
- Overview of the equipment, fuels, safety
- How to start and maintain a fire
- Colors of the metals
- Tools and their uses
- Techniques: using the anvil, forge welding, tempering, finish work.
- Shut Down and cleanup of equipment and forge