Mary and Robert Wakely
Robert Wakely, III
born: 1808–New York To Samuel Wakely and Margaret Lewis
married: 1830–New York
died: 1893–Wisconsin
Robert Wakely was farming in New York when he decided to sell his farm and move into the Wisconsin wilderness. At various times he supported his family as a farmer, millwright, lumberman, storekeeper, innkeeper and ferry operator. He was the only postmaster in Point Basse. His reputation as a partier was known far and wide.
Mary Wakely, maiden name O’Dell
born: 04-April-1812–Canada To Nehemiah and Margaret O’Dell
died: 1887–Wisconsin
Mary O’Dell Wakely joined her husband on his move to the frontier. She helped Robert in his many ventures and kept the home fires burning during his frequent absences. Mary was the mother of nine children. She was always present when neighbors needed a helping hand. She served as a midwife in the area around Point Basse.
Children (9) and Spouses
Chauncey Wakely
born: 1832–New York
married: circa 1857/58–Wisconsin
died: 1877–Iowa
Susan Hurd, Chauney’s 2nd wife
married: 1865
Lucy, Chauncey’s 1st Wife
born: 1835–New York
died: 1861–Wisconsin
Chauncey, the oldest child of Robert and Mary Wakely spent his early adulthood as a lumber raft pilot. He guided lumber rafts through the Grand Rapids at Grand Rapids (Wisconsin Rapids).
Robert Wakely, IV
born: 1834–New York
died: circa–1842-1844–Wisconsin
Robert, Jr. fell off a lumber raft he was riding on just north of Point Basse. His body was never recovered.
Martha Jane Wakely
born: 1837–Wisconsin
married: circa–1856-58–Wisconsin
died: 1895–Utah
Henry Snyder, Matha’s husband
born: 1833–Canada
Mary J. Wakely
born: 1839–Wisconsin
married: 1857–Wisconsin
died: 1922–Washington
Garrett “Doc” Cowan, Mary’s husband
born: 1837–Ohio
died: 1926–Washington
Otis D. Wakely
born: 1842–Wisconsin
married: 1866–Wisconsin
died: 1915–Wisconsin
Otis served with the Union Army during the whole Civil War. He fought with Sherman on his march to the sea. He then participated in the victory march in Washington, DC.
Susan Turley, Otis’ wife
born: 1847–Canada
died: 1927–Wisconsin
William S. Wakely
born: 1845–Wisconsin
died: circa 1850-1860–Wisconsin
William died sometime between 1850 and 1860 of unknown causes.
Newbold L. Wakely
born: 1847–Wisconsin
married: circa–1880–Wisconsin
died: 1925–Montana
Newbold is believed to have built the stone-arch bridge over Wakely Creek.
Adeline Berard, Newbold’s wife
born: 1860–Canada
died: 1941–Montana
Alice C. Wakely
born: 1849–Wisconsin
died: 1912–Wisconsin
Sylvester, Alice’s 1st husband
Charles Christian, Alice’s 2nd Husband
born: 1834–New York
married: 1870–Wisconsin
died: 1922–Illinois
Harriet Wakely, liked to go by Ella and changed name to Harriet Ellen
born: 1851–Wisconsin
married: 1867–Wisconsin
died: 1919–Washington
Daniel H. Wakely, Harriet’s husband and first cousin
born: 1840–Pennsylvania
died: 1907–Wisconsin
Harriet and her sons took over the operation of her father’s ferry. She renewed the license in 1902; the license said that she could use any form of power to propel the ferry except steam power.
Her husband, Daniel, served in the Civil War with Otis Wakely.