Historic Point Basse Citizen’s Meeting

Minutes – November 3, 2024

Attendees: Skip, Paula, Larry, Greg and Linda Weeg, Don

Spirit Walk review: Event went well. Must have a stronger effort to insure that the presenters show up. Event went well. Had 14 groups the first night and I believe 9 or 11 groups the second night. Need to try and have more excitement in our presentations if we can. Potential of creating some scripts for spirits for those willing to present but not necessarily willing or able to create the script, just a thought for next year. There were comments posted on facebook about Spirit Walk. Not sure if anyone is addressing facebook feedback.   

Heritage Hollydays: Not sure who is in charge. Greg is having a blacksmith class. Will have the jingle bells calling Santa’s reindeer theme again. Paula would like everyone to give some thought to coming up with some new things to do to keep things different and interesting. The new games tent at Pioneer Fest went very well, and gives us emphasis to do something similar to spice up Heritage Hollydays. If you can think of anything please contact Paula. Joni will be in charge of decorating the wreaths, etc. The school typically allows children to decorate the tree.

Town Hall: Nov. 12-15 is the proposed date for moving the town hall. Don had some apprehension if the schedule to move was being coordinated adequately. To be determined.

House: A scan was done to determine the quality of the wood  for rot and such. Hadn’t heard back the results yet.

The sewing group met and had a good start on looking at our material available.

The Historic group met and is still in the process of determining it’s scope.  

Respectfully submitted,

Joni Wolf, Secretary