The meeting was called to order. Those attending were Don, Tina, John, Mike, Larry, Linda and Greg, Chris Nepper, Ann, Joni and Bill Parker.
Bill spoke about setting up this possible event. He is with Wyatt’s Battery. He addressed what needs to be planned and what needs to be done to achieve a successful event. We need infantry and artillery groups to come. Larry wants Cavalry with the horses and Bill wants to invite them. There was a discussion. Don asked about the time frame of the event – hours of the day. Larry asked about advertising. There was more discussion regarding scheduling items within the event and battle/skirmish details. Joni said we want civilian reenactors as well. Joni will go with Bill to the Grignon Manion event and the Pinecrest Village event to recruit the groups. We will meet with Bill In October to see how recruiting went. If this is a go, we will meet again in April to finalize the groups that are coming. The 2nd Wisconsin wants to see our site. There was more discussion. Tina said that the Wakely boys served in the 12th Infantry, Co. G – Otis, Daniel and Franklin. They made the March to the Sea with Sherman.
Building Demonstrations – this couldn’t be done because things were too busy.
Joni said we need to increase our volunteer base. Greg commented and had an idea for the Blacksmith Shop. He would hold a monthly class – free for members and charge for non-members. At an event, have 2 people in the shop. One makes things and one talks. They could switch off throughout the event. He said when volunteering is heavy, it begins to feel like a job. We need to try to recruit more people for scheduling in the future. Have a specific plan for them where they are placed and have them be engaged. Discussion. Follow-up with volunteers would be beneficial. Greg would call the guys who took the most recent blacksmithing class.
There was a discussion about what the blacksmith could make for the Civil War event. Greg wants to set up a follow-up class – RSVP at 8:00 on the day of Who Dun It. Tina will put this on our Facebook page.
There was a discussion on what we can do better to tie in new volunteers. Larry said we need a mentor/greeter. There was more discussion.
Tina is still pursuing the Civil War letters from the Wakely Family.
Luke is finishing the script. Mike is saving some of the characters for younger people. Most everything is cast. Admission will be donation.
This is scheduled for Aug 3 at 1:00. Bring a dish to pass. HPB will provide plates, silverware and lemonade. Larry asked if we could do something else besides eat. Tina will give a talk. We will offer to open the buildings if people would like to tour them. Ann can lead p bingo for an hour or 5 games. Larry suggested doing Candy Bingo.
Don mentioned the mouse Repeller works good in the house and we may want to get this for the other buildings.
Chris Nepper stated he has not heard from Steve Parker recently. Don asked him to come to the site and discuss scaffolding and basement repairs at the house, etc. Don suggested a fireproof room for documents, computers, and sump pump in the new basement of the house. Tina suggested a table with a sewing machine to make repairs on costumes.
Mike suggested having a dedication of the new Pavilion at Harvest Fair and inviting the Mead/Witter group.
Don mentioned making the road bridge safer for the big equipment that will be coming in to take down the Red Pine and also to work on the house. A different road could also be used instead of the bridge road. He will follow up with Weyerhaeuser and see if they will commit. If not, we will have to approach the Town of Saratoga. This needs to be done by fall.
Amn is back with us! She discussed the foraging class on Sept. 7 from 9 – 11:00 a.m. She will make up fliers to be passed out at Who Dun It and the picnic. The cost is $10 and class size is a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15.
Joni made a motion to adjourn the meeting – seconded by Tina.. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:37.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joni Wolf, Secretary.