Meeting was called to order.  Those attending were Ann, Paula, Francine, Greg & Linda, Skip, Tina, Larry, Don and Joni. 


          Joni and Paula are in charge.  Linda and Kathy will be in the school.  Dawn is in the house.  Larry will be in the bunkhouse with hot cider.  Tom B will be in the cabin.  Paula will have candy canes in the school. We will have ringing the bells for when Santa comes.  Linda will be doing a Scavenger Hunt.  Decorate the site on Friday at 11:00.  Gate is manned.  No passports this time.  Don will have a bonfire.  Larry will call Tom B. about a radio spot. 


          When we get the trusses, the Town Hall will be put back together.


          Will be moved on the 16th by Peterson.  On the 8th, cupboards, etc. will be emptied and put away for winter and secured for the move.  The basement will be removed but the house will still be accessible.  Don said we may be able to use an excavator.  He talked about a John Deere tractor/forklift being useful to us.  Or buy a hydraulic lift and sell if later.  He is looking into this now.  Floorboards and doors on the house need to be worked on.  There was a discussion.  Skip had a handout for sifting dirt when the basement is taken out. 


          Tim and Mark caught and butchered a sheep.  We have enough meat now.  Dec 9 – Committee Meeting at Mikes at 6:00.  Discussed ironing tablecloths.  Nike V has an option for entertainment.  Maybe dancing, maybe a fashion show.  Joni will look into this.  There was a discussion. 

2025 schedules are ready, and Don will print them.  Tina and Don will coordinate to have these done by Saturday. 

Ann asked about advertising Holly Days at the Christmas Craft Show. 

Edward Koonce has not cashed his check.  Joni will check into this. 

Dawn and Paula need to come up with dates for material in the basement.  Possible date Sat, Jan. 4 at 10 a.m.

Linda shared information on sales of items and what we can sell and how much.  ($50 thousand but not more than $75 thousand and the number of days selling).  Questions listed and ideas for selling or donation/items/

t-shirts/ deer mounts (Larry suggested) items with our name on them.  We need to generate income. 

There were questions about if we get it tax free, who pays the taxes?

Questions about jams and jellies.  Is this donated?  What about taxes?  There was no consensus.

Skip made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Ann.  Meeting adjourned at 7:10. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Joni Wolf, Secretary