The meeting was called to order. Those attending were Greg, Linda, Paula, Francine, Tina, Mike, Don, Skip, John, Larry, Ann and Joni.
Attended by 32 adults and 6 kids. Using tickets this year worked great. This was one of our better years. Ada Turner was the murderer this time.
Ann took pictures and led playing Bingo. The food was excellent. More attended this year than last year. The weather was doable because of the Pavilion. Paula had the kids pick beans.
A suggested contract was passed around. This is in the process of being worked on. We will not be able to have weddings in the house when it is up on blocks to fix the basement.
Don is having his 55th Class Reunion event out at Historic Point Base in September.
The Boys and Girls Club will be coming out as a School Group on August 8. McDill School will come on September 26.
Mike and Paula are heading this up. Paula will be calling people to help with games. Ann will be selling jellies and doing a foraging class in the schoolhouse. Roche-A-Cri Farms will be selling vegetables. Joni will help in the house and do the “Husband Calling Contest’. Larry stated that we need to have signs or a “town crier” to let people know what’s going on. Skip said he could create the signs Posters are being made for advertising. Paula talked about the games that will be played. 3 of these will have ribbons as prizes for the winners. People are all set for the gate. Don said to call the principal at Nekoosa High School for volunteers. We will have cider at the event.
Skip state that the Boy Scouts Round Table will meet at the site on Oct. 3.
Skip and John volunteered to be guides. Mike already has some spirits chosen. Joni will serve cider this year. Greg may be a spirit. Dates are October 19 & 26. Skip asked about the Boy Scouts taking part in helping. Larry asked what to do while people are waiting around the fire. Joe could be talking like he did last year. There was some discussion. Mike will not be here for Spirit Walk this year. The candles and lanterns are all set to go.
Tina suggested fees for 2025 be $9.00 and $5.00 for school aged children. This must go through the Board, and they meet on Sept. 14.
Mike suggested the title of “Wakely’s Civil War Reunion”. There was a discussion regarding admission, schedules, etc. Groups participating will be paid after expenses with a 50/50 split. Joni will be recruiting in August and September.
The Wisconsin Rapids Rotary Club is looking for someone to do a 15 – 20-minute presentation at Bull’s eye Country Club. Larry would be willing to participate and will call Tom B. to see if he would like to. If not, Skip would be willing to do this also.
Linda created an updated list. It can be found in Google Docs. Larry went over the list. Greg talked about getting back to those who attended the blacksmith class. There was discussion about this.
We need someone to work alongside new members and help them find where they feel they fit in best. Joni volunteered to be this “mentor”.
The Mouse Repeller’s in the seem to be doing a good job. Joni made a motion to purchase more for the other buildings with electricity. Seconded by Ann. Motion carried. We will purchase more.
We are still waiting for the delivery of the unit. Training will be done in 2, 4-hour classes.
It was brought up about Don moving the big spinning wheel out of the house and moving the new one in. We will have Erin look at both and see if we have all the parts.
Joni made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mike. The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Joni Wolf, Secretary