The word I’m sure the Wakelys said many times. They built their home along the beautiful, but wild, Wisconsin river. They traveled as far north, as they safely could by water, stopping where the river transitioned to rapids and waterfalls. Many travelers arrived, in hopes of finding work farther north at the logging camps or sawmills.
The river was not the only access to the homestead, as the Pinery Road also goes through the property. Traveling by road was slow and difficult because of the muddy and sandy conditions. Pointe Basse became a bustling community, providing respite and supplies for the weary travelers.
Our goal is education and entertainment for the community and to perpetuate the written history of Point Basse and its former inhabitants. We are open during scheduled events and classes throughout the year. Please see the Events Gallery, Schedule of Events, Classes, Videos, and Points of Interest if you are planning a visit. Members receive free entry into most of the events.
There are many ways that you can help perpetuate the history of Point Basse:
The site relies solely on volunteers for its’ operations, if you have an interest in a single event or would like to help out on a regular basis, we have a well-versed group of volunteers to welcome you.
Donations are being gathered for moving the Saratoga Town Hall to Point Basse, the school is in need of a fresh coat of paint, and the house is in need of repairs.

Adventure awaits…